PAPAA: Frequently Asked Questions

The JCQ produces a list of criteria that a Access Arrangements Assessor must demonstrate in order to assess candidates for access arrangements. The PAPAA has been designed to meet all the criteria set out by the JCQ. Click here for a link to the JCQ AARA document which outlines the required criteria; sections 7.3 and 7.4 relate to the appointment of Assessors.

The one JCQ requirement that we cannot meet on this course is that assessors must ‘hold an appropriate qualification to teach and make recommendations for secondary aged or adult learners who have learning difficulties’. In order to meet this criterion we expect the majority of our candidates to hold Qualified Teacher Status or the OCR Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Learners with SpLD (Dyslexia) (or equivalent).

Please email for more details.

Ideally you will have a degree and a teaching qualification. Alternatively holders of the Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Learners with SpLD (Dyslexia) (or equivalent) will be eligible.

Please email for more details.

The PAPAA course fulfils the JCQ requirement to include at least 100 hours relating to individual specialist assessment. It involves approximately 30 hours guided learning, plus tasks to gain accreditation and further reading and practice. The total time taken will depend on previous knowledge and experience, but we estimate about 115-120 hours. Most students will be accessing at least parts of the course online and it is up to students to decide the best way to fit the course into their working lives. We encourage our students to aim to complete the course within 9 months, but we have had some students complete in less than 3 months. Please inform the course manager if you are in a position to complete the hours required quickly and we will allocate an assessor who can support you to do this.

Yes. The University of Hertfordshire have agreed to consider the PAPAA (30 credits at Level 7) through the process of Accredited Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) for applicants onto their MA Education programmes, with more universities in the process of considering accepting the PAPAA for credits. The Open University may also consider your PAPAA qualification as recognition of prior learning towards one of their Masters qualifications.

As we are externally moderated and verified by the CIEA, the PAPAA course is as rigorous as any Master’s Level qualification. For example, all work must be the student’s own and we are required to be very thorough in our checking for plagiarism. If you are already considering a masters course with another provider you may find that they will also consider the PAPAA qualification when accrediting prior learning.

PAPAA is delivered through 4 main options.

PAPAA On-Demand Online individual learning. Access the taught sessions and assignments online, in your own time, at your own pace. Video presentations can be replayed and reviewed.

PAPAA Hybrid A combination of webinar training and online individual learning. Start the course with 3 consecutive webinar training days for Unit 1 (covering all the core Unit 1 taught sessions, and beginning all of the Unit 1 assignments). Unit 2 taught sessions accessed through our online video presentations.

PAPAA Live Webinar training. Start the course with 3 consecutive webinar training days for Unit 1 (covering all the core Unit 1 taught sessions, and beginning all of the Unit 1 assignments). Later in the course access 3 consecutive webinar training days for Unit 2 (covering all the core Unit 2 taught sessions, and beginning all of the Unit 2 assignments).

PAPAA Bespoke For regional or academy groups (minimum of 8 participants), the PAPAA Hybrid option delivered at a venue of your choice.

For full details please see our PAPAA Course Delivery Options pages.

PAPAA is recognised as a route to an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC). (For more information about the APC please see here.) PAPAA graduates who also hold a specialist teaching qualification accredited at Approved Teacher Status (ATS) or Approved Practitioner Status (APS) level (e.g. OCR SpLD Teaching qualification level 5) are eligible to enrol on the PATOSS ‘Diagnosing Dyslexia: Assessment Practice and Reporting’ course. Successful completion of this course will lead to an APC.

Not on its own, but PAPAA is recognised as a route to an Assessment Practising Certificate (APC), which will qualify you to assess whether a student has Dyslexia. (For more information about the APC please see here.) PAPAA graduates who also hold a specialist teaching qualification accredited at Approved Teacher Status (ATS) or Approved Practitioner Status (APS) level (e.g. SpLD Teaching qualification level 5) are eligible to enrol on the PATOSS ‘Diagnosing Dyslexia: Assessment Practice and Reporting’ course. Successful completion of this course will lead to an APC.

No, you need to consider doing another qualification such as the Level 5 Diploma in Teaching Learners with SpLD (Dyslexia).

No. Firstly you may already have some of the tests in your school or college. You will need an examiner booklet for each session in Unit 1 when you access the video presentations. However, all pages of the manuals referred to are shown on the screen during the videos (with permission from the publishers). We will provide you with examiner booklets for the tests covered on the course, for a fee to cover the cost of these.

You will, however, need access to some of the full tests in order to carry out the assignments. We have a small library of tests that you can borrow (click here to view our library of tests).

Of course, you will need a battery of tests after you graduate in order to carry out access arrangement assessments. We have negotiated discounts from test publishers when assessments are purchased for use in assessments.

PAPAA On-Demand Online individual learning. Access the taught sessions and assignments online, in your own time, at your own pace. Video presentations can be replayed and reviewed. Cost £1,600

PAPAA Hybrid A combination of webinar training and online individual learning. Start the course with 3 consecutive webinar training days for Unit 1 (covering all the core Unit 1 taught sessions, and beginning all of the Unit 1 assignments). Unit 2 taught sessions accessed through our online video presentations. Cost £1,850

PAPAA Live 6 days face to face in two 3 day blocks (supplementary learning available online). Cost £2,150

PAPAA Bespoke Webinar training. Start the course with 3 consecutive webinar training days for Unit 1 (covering all the core Unit 1 taught sessions, and beginning all of the Unit 1 assignments). Later in the course access 3 consecutive webinar training days for Unit 2 (covering all the core Unit 2 taught sessions, and beginning all of the Unit 2 assignments). Cost £POA

We have produced a short video explaining the requirements of the course; please see the PAPAA overview page to view it. To make the video full screen please click in the square in the bottom right hand corner of the video.

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